Raman spectroscopy and Machine Learning as a PAT tool for mAbs bioprocessing.
We are pleased to announce our next webinar co-hosted with Indatech and the University of Tours dedicated to Raman Spectrosocpy and Machine Learning for bioprocessing optimization
During this webinar, discover how to couple in-line Raman spectroscopy with Machine Learning tools to optimize the non-destructive analysis of CHO cell cultures and the production of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). Through real-time monitoring of critical process parameters (CPPs) and critical quality attributes (CQAs), such as mAb, nutrient and metabolite concentrations or viable cell density , yield and batch reproducibility may be significantly improved.
Alongside 2 of our partners in CLIMBIN project, Julien Louet from Indatech and Pr. Igor Chourpa from the NMNS laboratory at the University of Tours, Sylvie Roussel will present the results obtained inthe context of CLIMBIN.

Sylvie Roussel,
Ondalys CEO
CLIMBIN is a collaborative project that aims to develop an innovative solution in process analytical technology (PAT) by molecular optical spectrometry, to improve CHO-type suspension cultures in various types of bioreactors. Dedicated to the bioprodcution sector, this real-time monitoring of critical process and quality parameters offers disruptive advantages in terms of control, industrial performance and CSR.
Join us on
December 10th at 4.00 pm (CET)
Expert in spectral data analysis (NIR, MIR, Raman, UV), the Ondalys team supports you in all your issues of processing your spectroscopic data and your bioproduction data.