R&D collaborative projects 

CLIMBIN, a collaborative R&D project, to meet the societal challenge of producing new biotherapies and production tools.

Winner of the Call for Expressions of Interest “New biotherapies and production tools”,
the CLIMBIN project is funded to the tune of €2.2 million by BPI France

The CLIMBIN project aims to develop an innovative analytical process control solution that addresses the optimization and automation problems of cell culture systems, in USP (upstream process) and DSP (downstream process).

This solution will allow CDMO (Contract Development and Manufacturing Organization) to reduce their production times and costs and thus make therapeutic products accessible to as many patients as possible.

CLIMBIN will make available to the bio-production sector an innovative solution in Process Analytical Technology by Molecular Optical Spectrometry. This solution will be ready to use and adapted to suspension cultures (CHO, …) in bioreactors of various types.

By monitoring critical process and quality parameters in real time, disruptive advantages are expected in terms of control, industrial performance and CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility).

This collaborative project brings together the NMNS laboratory – Nanomedicines and NanoSondes – from the University of Tours, the LRGP laboratory – Reactions and Process Engineering Laboratory – from the University of Lorraine / CNRS, the Bio3 of the University of Tours- IMT Group, the industrial companies Ondalys, INDATECH – Chauvin Arnoux Group, and the pharmaceutical group Servier.

As part of this project, the creation of a dozen jobs in R&D, design offices and service consulting is planned.

The development of biotherapies (recombinant proteins, antibodies, vaccines) and advanced  therapy medicinal products (gene therapy drugs, somatic cell therapy drugs, drugs from cell or tissue engineering, combined innovative therapy drugs) is a real opportunity to better care for patients.

This project was funded by the French government
as part of the Recovery Plan and the Future Investment Program


ACCESS, a collaborative R & D project, for the production of Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products at a lower cost.

Winner of the call for proposals “Bio-medicines: improving yields and controlling production costs”, ACCESS is a project worth more than €2.5 M.

As part of the French Call for Proposals “Biomedicine: improving yields and controlling production costs“, the ACCESS – (Advanced Cell Control by Spectroscopic Sensors) project, a collaborative R & D project, received a favorable opinion from BPI France to meet the societal challenge of producing advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMP) at lower costs.

The ACCESS project aims to optimize Mesenchymal Stem Cell (MSC) cultures in bioreactors through online production control. This control will be based on innovative online optical sensors, Machine Learning algorithms and automated real-time feedback coupled with a digital twin and a Quality-by-Design (QbD) approach for process modeling.


This collaborative project led  by INDATECH – groupe Chauvin Arnoux brings together MTInov integrator, Ondalys, Cybernano, Ypso Facto and StemInov.

This project will make it possible to structure French integrated QbD/PAT offer with European influence for the control of all types of adherent cell cultures in biotechnology. This will be organized thanks to suppliers of complementary products and services, ranging from process modeling (Ypso Facto, Cybernano) to the industrial implementation of online control (INDATECH, Ondalys, Cybernano).

This project was funded by the French government
as part of the Recovery Plan and the Future Investment Program


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  • Marion Berger
    Marion Berger de Sanofi témoigne sur sa collaboration avec Ondalys My team attended several trainings led by Ondalys (spectral analysis via Unscrambler, Multi-blocks & Independent Component Analysis (ICA)). Each time, we appreciated the clarity of the presentations, making accessible the complex concepts, the technical capacities and the expertise of the trainers coupled with their benevolence towards the trainees. Each event was a pleasure and a success.
    Marion Berger
    PDP Statistics and Non-Clinical End-User Tools Group Leader - SANOFI

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