the 4th edition of Chemomics,
the joint Chemometrics and Metabolomics school
will be held in Montpellier.
Chemomics aims to bring together the 2 communities of Chemometrics and Metabolomics to improve the understanding of the chemometrics and metabolomics methods and to build methodological bridges between these two communities.
Discussions and exchanges will be the priority of this school. Chemomics is organized on the principle of the barcamp and workshops whose content is adapted to the participants expectations.
3 thematic days will be dedicated to
- the regression, linear and non-linear alternative methods
- the discrimination
- the exploratory and discriminant multi-block methods, time effect
This shcool will be led by experts in Chemometrics and/or Metabolomics: Julien Boccard, Jean-Claude Boulet, Marion Brandolini-Bunlon , Binta Diémé, Mohamed Hanafi, Benoit Jaillais, Eric Latrille, Jean-Michel Roger, Virginie Rossard, Douglas Rutledge, Rémi Servien.
The aim of this 4th edition is to increase synergies between these two communities, and to initiate areas of joint work that will continue beyond the school.
Ondalys, an expert in Chemometrics and Machine Learning, supports its clients in the analysis of OMICS data (chromatography, NMR, mass spectrometry, etc.). Visit our page dedicated to physico-chemical data analysis
You need help processing OMICS data
(chromatography, NMR, mass spectrometry, etc.)