Ondalys will participate in the 9th Bioproduction Congress – BIOPC2024, organized by MabDesign on 25 & 26 of September 2024, in Tours.
This congress will be an opportunity for the partners of the CLIMBIN collaborative project to present the progress of their research work.
Indeed, on this occasion, Igor Chourpa, from the NMNS laboratory of the University of Tours, coordinator of the CLIMBIN project will speak about:
Molecular optical spectroscopy as
a PAT tool in USP bioprocessing
He will give an overview of advances in implementation of molecular optical spectroscopy as a PAT tool in upstream processing of therapeutic antibodies. The CLIMBIN project uses Rayleigh and Raman spectroscopies for quantitative monitoring of multiple critical process parameters (CPPs).
The R&D work carried out makes it possible to improve the relevance and robustness of PAT approaches in terms of
- measuring instrument,
- data processing using advanced Machine Learning methods,
for the purpose of industrial implementation of the PAT approach.

Come and meet the project partners in the occasion of this BIOPC2024 congress:
- the NMNS – Nanomedicines and NanoSondes – laboratory from the University of Tours
- LRGP – Reactions and Process Engineering – Laboratory from the University of Lorraine / CNRS
- the Bio3 of the University of Tours – IMT group
- INDATECH – Chauvin Arnoux
- Ondalys
- Technologie Servier

You wish to improve your knowledge on how to implement a PAT approach using data analysis and Machine Learning for bioproduction monitoring ? Look at our webpage dedicated to PAT – Process Analytical Technology and QbD – Quality-by-Design.