Ondalys is lucky to be supported by precious scientific and institutional partners.

Our partners – Associations and competitiveness clusters

Ondalys is part of the consortium of digital solutions and instrumentation providers for Axel’One Analysis, an open innovative platform dedicated to the processes in the chemical, pharmaceutical and environmental industries.

Axel’One’s mission is pooling services, tools and skills aimed at reducing the costs and risks of moving from the pilot stage to an industrial scale in the fields of innovative processes and advanced materials.

As such, Ondalys takes part to implement innovative digital solutions for process understanding and supervising using online analyzers (spectrometers) and Industrial IoT.

Ondalys is a member of the Chemistry-Environment competitiveness cluster, called Axelera. This cluster Axelera has built a strong foundation across France’s Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region.

Axelera aims to create value by bringing out innovative and competitive solutions for industry at the confluence of chemistry, the environment and energy.

Within Axelera, Ondalys confronts and adapts its innovative solutions for industrial data  analysis with the needs of major players in the chemical, environmental and energy industries.

Founding member of the association in 2003, Ondalys is still an active member of HelioSPIR Board.

Created in Montpellier, France, in 2003, HelioSPIR is the French speaking association of Near InfraRed Spectroscopy (SPIR). HelioSPIR has several hundreds members and brings together all scientists from public research and private R&D as well as all equipment manufacturers of near infrared spectroscopy.

Its activity within HelioSPIR gives to Ondalys a updated overview of all the latest innovations in terms of near infrared spectrometer technologies as well as commercial offers. Ondalys knows all new applications and implementations of spectral measurements in laboratory, embedded NIR or on production lines, but also on the most advanced spectral calibration methods.

Ondalys has been a member of the board of the GFSV (French Group of Vibrational Spectroscopy) board for many years.

The GFSV is the French-speaking association of photonic vibrational spectroscopy (Raman spectroscopy, FTIR medium infrared spectroscopy, NIR near infrared spectroscopy). It promotes scientific exchanges on the fundamental level as well as in terms of practical applications.

Within GFSV, Ondalys enhances its fundamental knowledge in vibrational spectroscopy and adapts its chemometrics and machine learning methods to the specificty of Raman and infrared spectral measurements.

Ondalys is a member of the French Statistical Society, the SFdS.

The SFdS is a learned society which aims to promote the use of statistics and their understanding. It is a privileged place for meetings, exchanges and reflections.

Thanks to the SFdS, Ondalys is perfecting its knowledge in statistical analysis.

Ondalys is a member of the French Chemistry Group, a group of the SFdS.

The GFC is a French-speaking association whose mission is to promote and support chemometrics activities. In 2019, Ondalys actively participated in the organization of the Chemometrics conference in Montpellier, a conference led by the GFC.

Thanks to Chemometrics conferences, Ondalys can keep abreast of the latest developments in methods in data analysis and also communicate advanced methods in chemometrics on its latest industrial applications.

Our institutional partners

Ondalys is an innovative company, born from the transfer of technology and know-how from two public research centers, one French, Irstea/ INRAe (UMR Information et Technologie pour les AgroProcédés, Montpellier, France) and the other American, Iowa State University  (Grain Quality Laboratory Ames, Iowa, USA). Ondalys keeps research collaborations with these 2 institutions.

Ondalys received financial support from Languedoc-Roussillon Incubation (LRI), Montpellier Mediterranée Technopole (via the Business Innovation Center Cap Alpha – Cap Oméga), the Occitanie Region  Region, the Herault department, the the European Union, the French Department of Education and Research and BPI France.

Our expertise for the analysis of your data

With more than 15 years of experience in data analysis (Chemometrics and Machine Learning), in particular applied to spectroscopic, analytical and sensory measurements, the experts of our teams accompany you at each stage of your projects.

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