The Chimiometrie 2019 Conference was hold from January 30th to February 1st in Montpellier, France.
Let’s have a look at this 20th edition in a few figures: 6 pre-conference courses on Chemometrics and Machine Learning, organized on January 30th for 60 trainees; more than 160 participants to the conference from 13 different countries, gathered around 25 oral communications and 24 scientific posters.
Alice Croguennoc from Ondalys captivated the audience with her presentation:
During this conference, Alexandre Mallet from LBE – INRA Narbonne received the award of the Best Young Chemometrician for his works “Study of rehydration of different organic substrates by means of near-infrared spectroscopy and signal de-mixing techniques“.
The 3 best scientific posters were awarded by our partners: a The Unscrambler® License from Camo Anlaytics, a Minitab® license and a SOLO-MIA Toolobox license from EigenVector Research Inc.
-> the students of StatSC ONIRIS of Nantes for their poster “Proposition of a new assignment rule in discriminant analysis;application to omics data“
-> Maxime Metz from the UMR ITAP d’IRSTEA of Montpellier for his poster “Adaptation of two Big-data indexing algorithms for LOCAL-PLS“
-> Riccardo Deidda from the Université of Liège for his poster “Optimisation of a surface enhanced Raman scattering method using design of experiments and Bayesian design space modelling“.
The Challenge Chimiométrie, organized by Pierre DARDENNE, was won by Manon Martin from the Université Catholique de Louvain and awarded with a SPM – Salford Predictive Modeler® license from Salford System a Minitab company®.
We also want to note the presence of our partner Bruker France as sponsor of the conference. Always a pleasure to see them!
This conference, a real scientific success, was also a great moment of sharing and conviviality, especially during the gala diner, oragnized at Parguel in Montpellier.

Thanks a lot to the Organization Committee (IRSTEA Montpellier, INRA Montpellier et Narbonne, Sanofi Montpellier et Ondalys), masterfully orchestrated by Jean Michel ROGER d’IRSTEA.
See you next year!